Friday, August 29, 2008

The State Consumer Protection Act Prohibits Some Debt Collection Practices

Category: Finance, Credit.

If you are having credit problems, it is important to know what creditors and collection agencies may and may not do to collect debts.

When dealing directly with you, creditors and collection agencies may not: Call you more than twice for each debt in each 7 day period at home, or call you more than twice for each debt in each 30 day period at someplace other than your home. The state Consumer Protection Act prohibits some debt collection practices. Call you without identifying both the name of the creditor and the name of the person calling. If your waking hours are unknown, then the creditor or collector may only call between 8: 00 a. m. and 9: 00 p. m. Call you at times other than your normal waking hours. Visit your home at times other than those mentioned above. Cause you to be charged for long distance calls( or other similar costs) .

A collector cannot visit more than once in any 30 day period for each debt, unless you give permission for additional visits. Call you at work if you requested that they not call. Written request are valid until you write to the collector removing the restriction. Your oral request is valid for only 10 days, unless you confirm it in writing within 7 days of making the request. Contact you directly, if you have told the creditor or collection agency to only contact your attorney. Use profane or obscene language.

Falsely threaten to take legal action. Additionally, creditors and collection agencies may not. Send collection notices in a way that openly indicates or implies that you owe a debt( for example, using postcards or descriptive return addresses. ) Federal law provides some additional protections against debt collection agencies. (This law does not apply to creditors) : Collectors must verify your debt. Tell anyone( including friends, relatives, neighbors, or employers) about your debt. Collectors must stop calling you if, within 30 days after you are first contacted, you send the agency a letter indicating that you do not owe the debt. You may stop a debt collector from contacting you.

They can only renew their collection activities if you are sent proof of the debt. Write a letter to the collector telling them to stop contacting you. They also may contact you to inform you if they are going to take some specific action, such as suing you. Once the collection agency receives your letter, they may not contact you again except to say there will be no further contact.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

People With Unmanageable Debts Are No More Helpless

Category: Finance, Credit.

Burdened with a huge heap of debts, too heavy to be managed alone, you may think that there is no source that can bail you out from this sticky wicket.

Well, no need to be worried so much. And if there is any then it will cost you a huge sum of money. People with unmanageable debts are no more helpless. To make debt management easy, lots of agencies offer debt help to people with huge debts. They have free debt advice to be obtained from different sources. Such agencies are scattered all over the world. Some of them have taken the task of helping debt ridden people to an innovative level.

UK also has its fair share of agencies that provide debt management programmes. They offer free debt advice to their client before finally selling any plan. The most problematic thing about debt management is that one needs to deal with multiple lenders and make more than one payments on different days of the month. With the availability of such agencies, dealing with debts has become quite easy. For them, dealing with debts will become far easier if they get only one lender to deal with. They pay off the entire debt amount of the person thereby consolidating the entire debts into one package.

Some of the agencies that offer free debt advice try to do exactly the same thing for them. Besides this, there are some other agencies that offer free debt advice and put before the person a few feasible options. So, he can make his choice from the options offered to him. They suggest him the options that remain suitable to his debt scenario. Free debt advice may sound to be something cheap but it can be really effective if taken from the proper sources that are available in plenty.


Current Credit Report Scams - Kathie Higa's Finance and Credit blog:

Getting your free credit report online is not easy straight forward you you might think, there are plenty of things you need to know- like being aware of the current scams in the targeting consumers, you need to get the 3 credit reports from all three major Credit Bureaus, you need to get your report every four months, you need to know about identity theft, and more.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

There Are Several Types Of Debt Consolidation Loans

Category: Finance, Credit.

Being in debt can be stressful, especially if you are in way over your head.

Bankruptcy will follow you for the rest of your life and make at least the next ten years very rough to get ahead financially. It is important to understand you need to develop a debt management plan of attack to avoid going into bankruptcy. As you re dealing with your debt problems you need to take a serious look at your spending habits. This is often referred to as a champagne appetite with a beer budget. Quite often people will have enough income to live on but they can t quite control the use of their credit cards and spend way beyond their means. It is important to understand that credit cards where not designed to get you out of debt and with the high interest rates they are charging they will actually get you into more debt. A debt consolidation loan maybe just the relief you re looking for.

Depending on your situation you may be seeking debt counseling or already in a position of trying to understand the different aspects of debt negotiation. They allow you to combine all your debt into one loan and one payment. One is a secured consolidation loan in which the outstanding debt is secured by assets you have such as property or a house, typically this type of loan has a lower interest rate since the loaner has the ability to claim your asset in the event you don t make the loan payments. There are several types of debt consolidation loans. Another type of debt consolidation loan is an unsecured loan. Quite often with the rising home values a home owner will refinance their mortgage and consolidate their other debts into the mortgage. This type of consolidation loan will come with a higher interest rate since there are no assets securing the loan making it riskier for the loaner to get their money back in the event you don t make the payments.

Quite often you will see home owners roll their car payments in to their refinanced mortgage allowing the car payment to go away and only a small increase in their mortgage payment. This means that you will be actually paying for the outstanding car loan balance for the next 30 years. There is a dark side to consider when doing this, typically a car loan last for 5 years, when you roll this into your mortgage the term is usually 30 years. You may be in a debt situation where this is the only answer but if not you need to consider carefully what you consolidate into a 30 year payment. Be sure to read the fine print of any agreement you are considering, most lending institutions are trust worthy but just to be sure read all the fine print so you are not surprised by a higher payment than you thought or some other penalty you may not have been aware of. Lastly, there are many variables and options you need to consider as you start your debt management plan.


Credit Repair Is Not An Easy Process And Is Not Something That Happens Over Night - Tabitha Rini about Finance and Credit:

In today s world of credit score based lending, credit repair can make a world of difference.

The Interest On Most Loans Is Calculated With A Specific Formula - Finance and Credit Articles:

You have finally gotten your loan settled. Then, after about a month, you have received your first bill.

This Is One Method Of Credit Card Debt Negotiation - Finance and Credit Articles:

By admitting that you have failed and deciding to look for solutions to your debts, you are already halfway to your goal towards getting relief and living a debt- free life. Credit card debt negotiation starts when you decide to find means like consolidating your debts into one or two credit cards, or when you apply for a loan from a bank or financial institution to help you get back on your feet.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

She Told The Publication: "Rate Rises On Personal Loans Are Not The Only Increase In Costs That Will Hit The Family Budget

Category: Finance, Credit.

Although last week saw the Bank of England maintain the base rate of interest for the third consecutive month, those looking to apply for personal loans should still do so with care, it has been suggested.

In turn, it was intimated that this will see loan lenders begin to hike interest rates charged on their personal loan products. Despite the Bank s monetary policy committee deciding to keep interest rates at 75 per cent over the course of October, it was suggested that the impact of the five increases carried out since August last year and the uncertainty seen in the global financial sector is putting more strain on levels of disposable income. Meanwhile, surging levels of bad debt are to see more Britons begin to struggle with their finances, reports the Daily Telegraph. She told the publication: "Rate rises on personal loans are not the only increase in costs that will hit the family budget. Philippa Gee, from independent financial adviser Torquil Clark, advised that people should look to rein in their spending as more consumers are to see a rise in monetary pressures, with applying for a debt consolidation loan suggested as one possible way of doing this. In the months ahead, many homeowners are going to be hit with higher interest rates on their mortgage and there is also Christmas ahead which is always an expensive time of year.

You need to reduce your debts as soon as possible, starting with those with the highest interest rate such as credit and store cards and limit your spending and expenditure as much as possible. " Meanwhile, from independent financial, Sue Hannums adviser AWD Chase de Vere, said: "We have been lucky in recent years with low interest rates, which means borrowing has been cheap. If the credit crunch continues, we are likely to see more rate rises. But the tables have now turned. " She reported that as loans and other forms of borrowing are" not that cheap any more" consumers should take the time to consider their financial options. Meanwhile, drawing up and sticking to a monthly budget was also recommended as doing so can allow consumers to identify where their money goes and areas in which they can make savings. As a result, the Daily Telegraph advised those borrowers looking to apply for a loan to ensure that they search for the product with the lowest rate of interest, as otherwise they could" risk paying hundreds of pounds more than[ they] need to over the term of the loan" . The publication also warned those taking out a debt consolidation loan against borrowing money again and urged them to avoid extending overdraft and credit card limits.

Earlier this year, commercial manager for, Rachel Fish TaxDebts, claimed that as evermore Britons struggle to manage their finances, those who find that they are getting into an untenable position to make repayments need to get themselves" sorted" by tackling their debts head on and dividing the money they owe into manageable repayments. And by applying for a debt consolidation loan, people may find that they have more disposable income left at the end of each month as they can pay off debts accrued via overdrafts, credit cards and, personal loans other means quickly.


You Also May Find That A Miles Credit Card Will Only Allow You To Travel With One Airline - Lucia Evert's Finance and Credit blog:

Miles credit cards also known as airline credit cards and frequent flyer credit cards are becoming more and more popular all the time.

All Of Us Would Like To Have A Good Credit Score - Finance and Credit Blog:

All of us would like to have a good credit score.

So What Reasons Remain For Choosing A Platinum Card Over Another One - Finance and Credit Articles:

Way back in the early days of credit cards, around 50 years or so ago, the proposition they offered was pretty simple: pay by card, and either clear the balance in full each month or pay interest on the debt you accumulate. Indeed, it was perfectly normal to charge cardholders an annual fee simply for the privilege of carrying the card.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Debit- When A Charge Occurs To A Card Holders Bank Card Account

Category: Finance, Credit.

Credit Card- The plastic card provided by the financial institution which is used to authorize payments and contains details that can authorize payments in cases where the card is not present at the merchant s location for a transaction. Credit Limit- The total amount of money that a credit card holder can accrue.

Credit Card Number- A unique number contained on a credit card that defines the owner. Credit History- This provides a summary of how much money you owe financial institutions and companies who sell data in relation to bad and doubtful debts that they have accrued. Debit- When a charge occurs to a card holders bank card account. In short, this is a summary of your financial history, which credit card companies will use to decide the potential risks/ complications and benefits of contracting with you. This occurs following a point- of- sale transaction a card not present transaction or a withdrawal from an ATM or automatic teller machine. Finance Charge- This is the collective term for any fees that are charged to a customer for borrowing money by the credit card issuer.

Expired Card- This refers to the time period having elapsed for which a credit card is valid. These could include, but are not necessarily limited to cash advances, exceeding credit limits, balance transfers and late fees. Fixed Rate- This is a rate that will remain constant for a longer duration than an introductory annual percentage rate. Fixed APR- See Fixed Rate for summary. It is likely that this will remain constant for around one year. This is a measure to reduce loses as a result of fraudulent transactions.

Floor Limit- This refers to the maximum size of transaction that is allowed, prior to authorization being required to allow a transaction to go ahead. Fraudulent Transactions- This is a collective term for a transaction that was not authorized by the card holder. Fraudulent User- A fraudulent user is a person who uses a credit card/ credit card details to process a transaction without the prior consent of the credit card holder. This can include, but is not necessarily limited to, an account takeover, fraudulent transactional processing, counterfeit, stolen cards and other conditions and definitions offered by the member/ financial institution. This is generally done to benefit the fraudulent user through gaining goods/ services without incurring any direct expenditure. This can vary between credit card companies however a time of 10- 28 days is considered normal. Grace Period- This is the time following a debit to your credit card account in which you have until interest accrues.

Introductory APR- This is the rate initially charged to a credit card user when they sign up for a credit card account. Introductory Rate- See Introductory APR for summary. This does not have to be, but is generally considered to be lower than the fixed rate, through its primary function as a marketing tool. Issuer- This refers to a credit card company or financial institution who issues credit cards when it is used in a context relating to credit cards.


Applying For Credit Cards - Finance and Credit:

Following the changes to the credit and loan industry that went into affect in October 2005, you may be noticing an increase in the number of credit card offers you are receiving in your regular mail and on the Internet.

Running A Small Business Isn T Always The Easiest Task In The World - Finance and Credit Blog:

Running a small business isn t always the easiest task in the world. Small business credit cards do a good job of helping your business run the way it should, but applying for the Discover Business Miles card can certainly make owning your own business a lot more rewarding.

So Are All Credit Cards Good - Finance and Credit:

All credit cards offer many benefits and features.

Friday, August 22, 2008

A Credit Card Called Blue

Category: Finance, Credit.

American Express credit cards, more popularly known as AMEX, are among the most used credit cards worldwide. AMEX, along with Master Card and Visa comprise the most popular credit cards.

Even those who already have another card such as a Master Card or Visa often still want to obtain an American Express credit card. However, there are substantial differences between these cards. They have a system which they allow business to use in order to accept payments using these cards. Visa and Master Card are both payment providers. Visa and Master Card are issued by banks rather than by the companies themselves. In fact all of the processing is doe by the banks rather than by the credit card companies. The banks also receive the interest payments.

This is the biggest difference between these cards. Amex is also the company which deals with payments and processing, unlike Master Card or Visa. The American Express credit card is issued directly to cardholders by AMEX itself. An AMEX card is always issued by AMEX. At the moment, Visa and Master Card are more universally accepted, but AMEX is catching up. There is no doubt as to the legitimacy of the issuer with these cards. American Express is a great credit card, but does not yet have quite the global reach of the other two big cards.

American Express gives you all of the information you need to know about their cards right on their own website. American Express credit cards feature a rewards program, but you should be careful which one you opt for. If you have good credit, they have a card for you with a low rate of interest and a spending limit which works for you. For European and North America cardholders, American Express credit cards are very beneficial. This is in contrast to Visa and Master Card, which will sometimes need to look through hundreds of banks before deciding on a card for you. The cards come with unparalleled customer service, low interest rates and attractive rewards programs. American Express also has a brand new offering.

The card is accepted widely throughout Europe and North America and there are many perks attached to being an American Express credit card holder. A credit card called Blue. If you have exceptionally good credit, you may even have this no- interest period extended beyond one year. This card has no annual fees, extra security measures and 0% APR for the first year! You still get low APR after this introductory period, making Blue a great credit card for every person. American Express is simply a great credit card all around. This is the newest card offered by American Express, but is rapidly becoming one of the most popular credit cards around.

They have a variety of offerings with one perfectly suited to your needs no matter who you are. If your credit is good, you just have to fill out their application. You can get an AMEX card from a local outlet or even over the internet, which certainly makes things easy! You should have no problem receiving a card. Within a matter of days, you ll be enjoying your new American Express credit card.


Check Your Credit Report - Finance and Credit Articles:

Don t feel helpless and hopeless if you have bad credit for this will not last forever. When you have a bad credit situation one of the initial steps that you could take would be to stop using your credit cards for you don t want to continue accumulating credit card purchases and increasing your credit card debt.

How Is Your Credit - Finance and Credit Articles:

How is your credit? If you are planning on buying a car or a house or similar issues, you will need to have good credit, bad credit can affect your ability to get a loan.

They Will Finally Understand That Money Is A Necessity And Not A Luxury - Sonia Culpepper about Finance and Credit:

The age of sixteen marks a turning point in every person s life. Soon they will be completing high school and will be ready for college.

Credit Card Debt

Category: Finance, Credit.

Technology spoils people s whims. It feeds on the people s undying thirst for easy, and convenient, instant.

It tends to cater to every human s caprices. More often than not, it also causes them a lot of trouble financial trouble through credit card debt that is. Credit Card debt. Credit Card convenience vs. We often see people pull out plastic to pay for everything they need. When all it takes is a quick swipe of the card through a little electronic box and a signature then, everything s okay. Why not?

You go home happy, and almost worry, content- free. And this realization will strike them as soon as the bills arrive. On the other hand, not every one of these people realize that the convenience of using credit cards can lead to a false feeling of financial security. In fact, studies show that credit card debt and personal bankruptcies have increases bank profits to the highest level in the last five years. If you are a cardholder and having some credit card debt troubles at this early stage, it now time to think over the possible outcomes of this minor glitch so that a more serious problem with credit card debt would cease to arise. It only shows that more and more credit card holders were unable to manage their finances that lead to credit card debt. Credit card gives people the feeling of invincibility.

Although it is true that that credit cards solve financial matters especially when it comes to safety and convenience, credit cards also creates hassle especially when the person using it doesn t know what you he or she s getting into. And it also gives them tons of uncertainty about their financial management capability when they encounter problems with their credit card debt. Indeed, paying off credit card debt may take a long time especially if the person has high interest rates. When you find yourself overwhelmed with credit card debt, don t fall into a pit of depression. But, it doesn t mean that you can do nothing about efficient management of credit card debt. You can get through it with discipline and a change in spending patterns.

The power to eliminate credit card debt. Start eliminating problems with credit card debt by getting tips and techniques on how to pay off your balances easier, how to consolidate of frequently encountered problems, look for free debt consultation agencies that can help you, and try inch by inch to rediscover ways on how you can regain your financial freedom by reducing you credit card debt. People who are having problems managing their credit card debt or those who are near in bankruptcy often don t realize that the power to eliminate their credit card debt troubles totally is in their hands. The main problem is that these families are having difficult times paying high interest for credit card debt. Today, more and more Americans need credit card debt help badly. And instead of lifting the burden of credit card debt, more people are paying much in interest every month than that of the actual expenditure.

And if you only take the time to research and know your rights and how bankruptcy laws have changed, you will discover that there are valuable facts to eliminate credit card debt. There are actually more lawful and moral ways to zero- out thousands of dollars in credit card debts. Actually, the possibility of reducing or eliminating the high interest credit card debt is now more possible when a person takes action to get his or her finances back on track. Since credit card debt elimination process requires organization, and commitment to, clarity your own growth, it is a must that you are ready for the responsibility and to stand free and independent. Apart from knowing your weapon in terminating credit card debt, it is very important that you develop a sense of control and perseverance first. For those people who consider having a credit card indispensable but afraid of getting one because of the possibility of credit card debt nightmare, you must remember that credit card can be a powerful tool in managing your finances but there will always be glitches when not used properly.

Whether you decide to get one or not, managing finances it still takes a sense of good budgeting, willingness to change spending habits, and the humility to avail low interest consolidation loans when you are already burdened by too much credit card debt. Of course, there are countless reasons why you should and shouldn t get one depending on your needs.


There Is A Credit Card Online For Every Need - Finance and Credit Articles:

It is simple to get a credit card online and take full advantage of all that it offers.

Exclusive Mortgage Refinance Leads Are Found Under The Exclusive Mortgage Leads Category - Adrienne Gidcumb's Finance and Credit blog:

Exclusive mortgage refinance leads are found under the exclusive mortgage leads category.

Not Everyone Has Perfect Credit - Latoya Shasteen about Finance and Credit:

Not everyone has perfect credit. However, just because your credit history is a little tarnished doesn t mean that you can t get a credit card.